Star Trek #58: Faces of Fire
Star Trek #58: Faces of Fire
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Faces of Fire (Star Trek, No 58)

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Star Trek #58: Faces of Fire

    SCIFANTECH Review-

        Plot-7 out of 10

        Characters-7 out of 10

        Setting-6.5 out of 10

        Style-6.5 out of 10

        Overall SCIFANTECH rating-6.75 out of 10

   Additional Comments:

        If you are looking for some background history on Star Trek 3, then this book is for you. Not only does it reveal past foes, but also past family members. It had some action, but mainly science, dialogue, and history. It might also be good to mention that there are Klingons in the book. To put it shortly, "There have been better".

        Even though this book was another great original series story, it did have several bad sides. First off, the relied mainly on past history of Star Trek 2 for a plot. Next, the book tended to drag when a subplot was added, which shifted the main characters to it, while many of the minor characters stayed with the original plot. Although the book was not too confusing, it could have been better.