Star Trek #11: Yesterday's Son, Vol. 1
Star Trek #11: Yesterday's Son, Vol. 1
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Yesterday's Son (Star Trek, 11)

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Star Trek #11: Yesterday's Son

    SCIFANTECH Review-

        Plot-8 out of 10

        Characters-8 out of 10

        Setting-8.5 out of 10

        Style-7.5 out of 10

        Overall SCIFANTECH rating-8 out of 10

    Additional Comments:

        Yesterday's Son is still one of SCIFANTECH's most recommended novels. It was great to see a starting author write such an interesting novel. It was short, quick, action-packed, and humorous. The great plot made the novel seem as though it was an episode of Star Trek itself. Highly recommended!

   Not to look down on the author, but this novel was too short. It had a fairly large plot, dealing with time travel, but it ends with a quick tie of the knot. It is agreeable to say that the author did the best job she could, being her first novel. Other than its shortness, there were no large flaws.

SCIFANTECH rating: ********1/2 out of 10